Are You Still Excited About Your Business?

Feb 24, 2011 | General

Yesterday, I wrote about using a calendar to drive your business growth.  But there’s one additional question I want you to think about regarding your 2011 plan.

Are your future plans for your business so exciting that every morning, you can’t wait to get out of bed and get to work on them, even when you are tired and worn out?

Or, are you more focused each morning on trying to figure out how to get a few more minutes of sleep under your electric blanket?

Think about that:  Are you still as excited about your business like you were when you started it?  If not, maybe your dream for your business needs a little updating, a little reinventing.

What I mean by that is this:  Your business is where it is today because of your drive, your vision, and your effort.  Your business is going to progress as far as you take it.

Are you dreaming big enough about your business?  Are your future goals for your business so exciting that you literally can’t wait to get working on them?  If not, it’s time to change what you imagine will be the future of your business.

Someone said:  “We are what we are because we first imagined it.”

Some of you are thinking:  “I didn’t imagine my business being like this.”  If that’s your thought, it’s time to imagine something different, better, and aligned with where you want to be.

Your future picture of your business, where you want it to be, should be so powerful that when you wake up, you can’t wait to tackle the challenge.

Are you setting goals that don’t motivate you?  Add some goals that do!

Your goals have to contain a level of excitement.  If there’s no excitement in your goals, think forward to a picture of your business that would be exciting.  What does it look like?  What would have to happen for your business to get to this point?  What specifics would have to change for your current situation to move to this new future picture?

Identify what you are dissatisfied with.  Figure out what your business would look like if you erased these parts of your business and created a better future.

Then go back to your 2011 calendar.  Create a plan for the year that’s going to excite you.  Create a higher level of goals for your business that will recharge you.  Start developing a plan with specifics.  Map out your steps that you would have to achieve to get to this new future.  Create endpoints so you can measure your progress along the way, knowing you are achieving the mini-goals that lead to the final goal.  Each action should build on the last one, creating momentum as you move forward.

Now, if you do everything I am suggesting, will this necessarily mean that by the end of 2011, you will have achieved your new-found goals?

Not necessarily. But I think you’ll agree that if you don’t attempt to move forward with a bolder future for your business, there is NO CHANCE you will get there.

Don’t be satisfied with just getting out of bed, getting to your business, and opening the doors.

Think bigger. Set larger goals that motivate you again.  Create a step-by-step plan to achieve them.

That’s why you started a business in the first place, wasn’t it?

If you are ready to get excited about your business again, and make it a Destination, think about coming to our Destination BootCamp.  Hundreds of other owners just like you have attended, with amazing results.

Click here to read their words after attending it


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